As a culmination to the Geography 390 course I have created two maps displaying different geographic phenomena. These maps adhere to correct cartographic convention in all forms including color scheme, labeling/text placement, map elements, data classification and layout. The first map is largely qualitative and meant to inform map users of extreme precipitation values in Cascade Mountain region of the state of Washington. The second map is more quantitative. This map conveys the racial makeup of the Chicago Metropolitan Area of the state of Illinois. Using a bivariate standard, the map shows both percentage of non-white population in this region using a choropleth mapping technique, as well as the proportion of each race in bar graph form. Both of these maps are meant to be user friendly and largely informative for an interested audience. Clarity, conciseness, and simplicity were the goals in designing these maps to portray the information as efficiently and effectively as possible. The two maps I created are displayed below:
Map 1:

Map 2: